Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Special Force PH Clan Management Tool Part 1


Special Force PH is a first person shooter game local to the Philippines published by GameClub. It is a community that could have more than 40,000 players online at a time. Special Force PH implements a clan system which allow players to form groups consisting of members as small as 10 to and as large as several thousands. A Clan Master leads a clan and manages its members. The Clan Master is the only person in the clan who can: demote/promote members; approve/reject join requests; and kick members of the clan. As a clan grows, member count can reach thousands and join requests may reach up to a hundred a day. Having a large clan also increases delinquent members. Without the ability to ban, search, and sort members, the current features of the clan system proves inadequate to effectively manage a large and popular clan.

To fill the inadequacy of the Clan System, I will make an application that can provide functionality that the current system lacks. Some of these features include banning, searching, and sorting members.

On the next issue, I will describe the current functionality of the clan system.