Error doing HOL
Hands on labs errors
Reactive extensions (Rx) in .Net intends to solve the nightmares of asynchronous programming. The concept is really new to me and I tried doing the Rx Team's HOL (Hands on Lab) for Rx in C#. Since the HOL was last updated a number of changes have been made. These are the troubles I encountered while doing the Rx HOL.
source.Run( x => Console.WriteLine("OnNext: {0}", x), ex => Console.WriteLine("OnError: {0}", ex.Message), () => Console.WriteLine("OnCompleted") );Solution: Use ForEach or Do.
2. Cannot create a breakpoint inside lambda expression, lambda statement:
Solution: The answer is actually on the HOL pdf. But if you are stupid like me and thought you could set a breakpoint the usual way then how wrong you are. It took me a few minutes to find out that a breakpoint cannot be set inside a lambda expression by clicking on the grey bar or by Pressing F9. The way to do it is to click inside a statement then press F9.
e.g. Click on the OnNext word inside WriteLine() then press F9.
var moves = Observable.FromEventSolution: Use FromEventPattern instead.(frm, "MouseMove");
var moves = Observable.FromEventPattern(frm, "MouseMove");
using (new CompositeDisposable(movesSubscription, inputSubscription))Solution: Fully qualify it.
using (new System.Reactive.Disposables.CompositeDisposable(movesSubscription, inputSubscription))
var moves = Observable.FromEventSolution: Same as 3. Use FromEventPattern(frm, "MouseMove");
var input = Observable.FromEvent(txt, "TextChanged");
var moves = Observable.FromEventPattern(frm, "MouseMove");
var input = Observable.FromEventPattern(txt, "TextChanged");
6. ObserveOn(lbl) error HOL.
using (input.ObserveOn(lbl).Subscribe(inp => lbl.Text = inp))Solution: Make sure you add System.Reactive.Windows.Forms as a reference
7. DictServiceSoapClient not found
var svc = new DictServiceSoapClient("DictServiceSoap");Solution: Add a add a "using" to the header with the namespace of the service reference you created.
e.g. using RxLab.DictionarySuggestService;
Tags: C# RX, c# reactive extensions