Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Failed to complete operation Visual Studio 2008 2010

Sometimes, when compiling and running a source code in Visual Studio, you get the error "Failed to complete operation" and the project will not run although you have build successfully. You'll know that the build is successful if you try to run the application by going to the BIN folder and running the compiled binary manually. I've been trying to find answers to this error but I've not bumped into a solution until now. Before I tell you the solution I've found, let me tell you how I usually fix it. To make the application run again, I try to do several things after and before I open Visual Studio.

1. If Visual Studio is already open and I'm feeling lazy, I try to do a Build > Clean Solution , then a Build > Rebuild All. This will usually not work. I follow this up by going to the bin folder and deleting the remaining files in the Bin folder. This will leave 1 file which is vshost.exe. If it still does not work, I run the vshost.exe manually.

2. If the above doesn't work (which usually doesn't). I have to close Visual Studio and delete the BIN and OBJ folders manually. This method worked 100% of the time.

This just sucks. There's also no log file that tells you what's wrong as far as I know.

AND NOW... let me tell you how to fix this permanently.

I was using a c# WPF for .net 4.0 project for this and I don't know if this is the same with other projects. I haven't had the need to investigate yet. Please comment if it works on other types of projects. Here are the Steps:

1. Go to the Property Pages of the project your working on. This can be done by selecting the project in the Project Explorer then going to View > Property pages or via the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F4.

2. In the property pages, go to the Debug page and under Enable Debuggers, [UNCHECK] Enable the Visual Studio hosting process. Note: You'll have to do this for the target configuration (e.g. Release, Debug) or you can just select under the Configuration: pull down menu "All Configurations" to apply it across all future builds.

That's it. Please Comment if this worked for you.

Program not running after Run or Compile F5
Failed to complete operation